
This section will include the main products developed within the 9 WP, got thanks to the implementation of the various activities to achieve the main Project objectives.

  • WP1 Policy and Strategic Planning of International Cooperation in HEI

    Development and implementation of coherent institutional international cooperation policies. The main result of WP1 will be the definition, review and approval of Strategic Plans for International Cooperation (SPIC) in the 6 PC HEI involved, including considerations of their needs and local context, international cooperation potentials and goals, definition of success indicators and remedial actions.

Documents: WP1. Activity 1.3. SPI

WP1. SPIC partners

  • WP2 Human Capacity Building – International Relations Staff

    The objective of WP2 is to provide the staff of PC IRO (technical coordinators and technicians) with managerial expertise and specific skills in several thematic areas related to the efficient administration of IRO and development of IR and IC policies and services. This will be achieved by specific training prepared and ministered by EU HEI staff members participating in the project. The WP will finish with the development of a Manual on the Organisation and Management of IR structures, this material will take the form of a compilation of best practices.

Documents: WP2 Presentation H2020

MARCO POLO Book: Internationalisation of Higher Education in Southeast Asia: A Perspective from the Marco Polo Project

WP2. Activity 2.6 Administrative & Finalcial Management

WP2. Activity 2.6 Mobility Programme

  • WP3 Development of Potentials for International Cooperation in Teaching/Learning/Research

    The objective of the WP is to foster international cooperation in teaching, learning, and research, and show the benefits of opening HEI to international experiences in these essential aspects of the lives of HEI.

Documents: WP3. Activity 2.4

WP3. Seminar 3.2 Networks

WP3. Seminar 3.3 Paperwriting

                                  WP3. National Recommendations for International Cooperation in T /L/R – Thailand

                                  WP3. National Recommendations for International Cooperation in T /L/R – Vietnam

                                  WP3. National Recommendations for International Cooperation in T /L/R – Malaysia

                                  WP3. MARCO POLO Guidelines Framework

         WP4 Library Gateway US

  • WP5 Multi-Regional Network for International Cooperation

The creation of a Network for the International Cooperation is one leading objective of this proposal. The network should serve as a platform for a multi-regional and international dialogue about the international cooperation in Higher Education, provide opportunities for finding synergies between its members and strengthen ties.The WP further involves the implementation of network activities in the form of three international conferences in Phitsanulok  (Thailand) , Hanoi (Vietnam)  and Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia).

  • WP6 Quality Control Plan

Quality control (QC) will be an integral part of the project in order to ensure that objectives are met in the most effective way. The quality control strategy includes:- Evaluation of project results- Feedback on the quality of delivered trainings and services via direct questionnaires and surveys from participants;

– Direct observation and monitoring

– Financial audit of the entire project that will be carried out by an external organisation.

  • WP7 Dissemination

To guarantee the high potential for multiplication and to disseminate the project results at institutional, national and international levels, dissemination activities are an integral part of the project .The project foresees multiple awareness raising actions both internally (at the level of the involved institutions) and externally (national and international level).

  • WP8 Sustainability

This WP is devoted to actions supporting and ensuring long-term maintenance of project results. While several actions supporting sustainability are integrated within the Dissemination and Development work packages, further sustainability and exploitation activities are planned.

  • WP9 Project Management

The objective of WP9 is to ensure the smooth strategic and operational project implementation by implementing the following measures.

Strategic supervision of project implementation and related decisions will be taken by a Steering Committee (SC), composed of 1 representative per project partner. The SC will be responsible for the development of the project policy, strategic decision-making on the project implementation, mid-term reviews and adoption of recommendations and evaluations of the QCC, progressive planning and potential adjustments.

The coordinator (US) will be responsible for the administrative management of the project including coordination of reporting, budget implementation and communication with the EACEA.