MARCO POLO Kick-off Meeting

March 09, 2017

This week took place the MARCO POLO Kick-off Meeting, which was celebrated at the University of Seville, and South-East Asian partners are currently visiting the International Centres and International Relations Officers of the different participating European Universities.

This meeting has served to present the different work plans, as well as to begin to develop the first activities and for the project partners to get to know each other. The event was attended by partners from six different countries: Thailand (Naresuan University in Phitsanulok and Prince of Songkla University in Hatyai), Vietnam (Hanoi Universityin Hanoi and Posts & Telecommunications Institute of Technology also in Hanoi), Malaysia (Universiti Sains Malaysia OfficiaI in Penang andUniversity of Malaya in Kuala Lumpur), Austria (FH JOANNEUM), United Kingdom (Heriot-Watt University in Edinburgh) and Spain (Universidad de Sevilla and incoma).

MARCO POLO is a project funded by the Erasmus+ programme that addresses the need of 3 South-East Asian countries – Thailand, Malaysia and Vietnam- to foster the interregional and international cooperation of Higher Education Institutions, through the build-up of capacities of these institutions for international cooperation, thus contributing to better international networking, enhancement and better exploitation of their potentials in teaching, learning and research.